FS - Float in Spa
FS stands for Float in Spa
Here you will find, what does FS stand for in Organization under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Float in Spa? Float in Spa can be abbreviated as FS What does FS stand for? FS stands for Float in Spa. What does Float in Spa mean?The health medical organization is located in Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal.
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Alternative definitions of FS
- File System
- File System
- Florida Statutes
- Full Scale
- File Server
- Flight Simulator
- Federal Standard
- File Separator
View 320 other definitions of FS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FWSF Financial Women of San Francisco
- FPH Focal Point Hardware
- FLSI Fork Lift Specialties Inc
- FFP Foundations Financial Partners
- FRH First Reliance Holdings
- FRSF Franklin Rouse State Farm
- FPC Fox Products Corporation
- FWP From War to Peace
- FAL Fairfax Asia Ltd.
- FFS Factor Freight Solutions
- FBOT Friends of the British Overseas Territories
- FSV Fifth Season Ventures
- FECA Frist Evangelical Church Association
- FSBCG Foliage Services By Concepts in Green
- FGC Full Gauge Controls
- FPT Foundation Podiatry Townsville
- FSI Frontline Systems Inc.
- FDSL First Degree Systems Limited
- FPHL Fairfax Plant Hire Limited
- FBNL Food Bank of Northeast Louisiana